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Monday, June 13, 2011

A Mystical Monday!

On this MAGNIFICENT MONDAY, after the Dallas MAVERICKS made their MASSIVE MARK during a MARATHON full of MAGIC, TLC and ELC CONGRATULATE all of the MAVS for their MAJOR MARCH to win the MAJORITY of games in the NBA Fnals!

MAYBE The Heat would like to take back some of their MALARKEY? Their attempts to MANEUVER and MANIPULATE the MAGNETIC MAVS? Useless, in the end. These MAVS’ MEN, who MASTERED their MATURE MANNERS in a MACHO and MAJESTIC way, became a MACHINE. The Dallas MAVERICKS MAINTAINED the MALEVOLENT and MALICIOUS Heat—attempting to stay out of their MANURE—and succeeding.

Perhaps The Heat should consider a long vacation in MANCHURIA—where they can get MANICURES—or they could learn how to MACRAME. They could work on their MELODRAMATIC MANIFESTOS. And MAINTAIN their MADCAP and MARGINAL MARTYRDOM. Maybe they shouldn’t have MOCKED or MISBEHAVED in such a MISCHIEVOUS MANNER. Now they have time to MOPE while they play MONOPOLY and sleep off their MIGRAINES. So certain they’d be at the top of the MOUNTAIN, they are faced with their MELTDOWN and MISJUDGMENT and the MIRACLE of the MAVS' METICULOUS MISSION. We’re certain they are MORTIFIED.

Let’s have a MAGNUM of MARGARITAS while we toast the MANAGEMENT, Coach Rick and MARK Cuban (who is so full of MACHISMO)!!! It’s a MADHOUSE in Dallas—and all of Texas—as preparations are being MADE to honor the MAVS with a parade (The Miami Peeps should have learned from Dallas’ past MISTAKE of planning a parade before a win!) full of MEGA MERRIMENT for the MULTIPLE and MONUMENTAL MEDALLIONS the MAVS won! For their MIDAS touch! Get your MEGAPHONES ready!

The MAGNITUDE of the MAVS victory MAY be one of the MOST MOTIVATED and MARVELOUS EVER!!! Have MERCY!!!

{We dedicate this post to TLC’S Hubby—who has been a MAVS’  fan for years and years—and never lost faith!!!}

image via CBS News
look at cute Mr. Carter (the Mavs first owner) in his cowboy hat!


1 comment:

The Leightons said...

Don't we just love, love, LOVE that the Governor of Ohio has declared all Mavs, Mavs' fans and Texans that heart the Mavs Honorary Ohio-ans (did I do that right?) today?

I've been alot of things in my life, but never an Ohio-an.
