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Monday, April 15, 2013

three Oreos...

It’s the little things . . .

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Three Oreos. On the nightstand. In “Grammy’s (aka The Guest) Room.” At TLC and LL’s casa.

Last Friday morn I headed east to spend the night with My Girls. So TLC could have two or three or five short shopping trips around her neighborhood that afternoon and Saturday. Sans LL. And so TLC and Her Hubby could have a Date Night. (My Sweet Hubby would be well taken care of by our oldest son—who was coming from Houston to spend some quality time with his Dad.)

Around 6:00 p.m., I gave LL her bath (which, BTW, she loves…). I gave her the last bottle of the day. Rocked her to sleep. For the requisite thirty-ish minutes. (Yes. Yes, we all know that could be considered ridiculous. However, we consider it a privilege. Of the HIGHEST ORDER.) I gently put her in her crib and headed to my room—next door.

TLC had shot me a text, after they’d escaped, I mean, motored away, saying she’d left me a bottle of water and a “treat” on the nightstand. I went straight for both. There was my water. Next to it was a little sandwich bag with three Oreos. TLC knows her Mama sooo well…

Heaven. Heaven must be a place crammed FULL of “Little Things.”

Thank you, TLC. Those were the best Oreos I’d had in years.

Hope Y’all have a Wonderful Week! Be Safe. Be Happy. Be Kind. Be Grateful—for little, medium and BIG things in your life…


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