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Saturday, June 7, 2014

Y/Y Palooza #1

The first of our June Yummies and Yeehaws will be an ELC Yeehaw.

This year, My Sweet Husband (MSH) and I will celebrate our 36th wedding anniversary. We've been together over 37 years. Like many couples that have lived together for a significant amount of time, we have our own cleaning/housework/cooking/yardwork routines. Ours can be summed up fairly quickly:

ELC does all of the laundry, 75% of the housework (MSH helps me vacuum and do all of our floors, along with "special projects" like cleaning all the fans--since we have high ceilings), 60% of the errands (grocery store, Cleaners, Post Office (since MSH retired about eighteen months ago he does help alot with these trips/chores/necessities), bill paying/correspondence/family and friend birthday acknowledgements/gifts/etc.
MSH does 97.5% of the yardwork (I do help plant and water flowers occasionally!), 98.9% of the cooking, and 96.5% of the window cleaning.
We have alot of windows. We live on 34 acres on top of a fairly steep hill. We can see for thirty miles. We wanted MANY windows. In fact, we don't have enough glass!!! It's one of several mistakes we made when building our home. MSH has tried so many cleaning products for glass/windows in the past fourteen years, it's a teensy bit comical. Not. 

Last Sunday, I helped him clean every window in our home, garage, and storeroom. It took us four hours. We decided not to do our Barn Apartment. We were completely worn out--for Two Old Geezers.

Here is the BEST window cleaning product MSH has ever found. He buys it by the case at Costco and/or Sam's. You might have to do some research to track it down wherever you live. It'll be worth it. IT ROCKS.

Hope Y'all are having a WONDERFUL weekend wherever in the World you are!