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Wednesday, November 22, 2017


I truly, TRULY love TLC’s lists! She hasn’t done one in a while. Actually, I want to go back to 2011, 2012 and find a few of her lists that were amazing. I’m betting they still would fit her life now. Mostly.

Since TLC is going to “Hostess” our Thanksgiving Lunch manana (her first time and may I say we’re all TRES exicted!), I’ve decided to do an ELC List. In honor of today—November 22nd. I’m going to share with Y’all twenty-two things I’ll be grateful for tomorrow. Actually, these will be things I’m grateful for every single day of my (long-ish) life.

  1. My Lord God Almighty.
  2. His Son, Jesus Christ.
  3. My Sweet Hubby. (MSH)
  4. TLC, Her Hubby, Her Precious Little Leighton (aka LL aka Biscuit) and Baby Belle.
  5. My family. Our family. Our sons. Daughters-in-Law. Our AMAZING Grandchildren (seven total!). Sisters. Brother. Aunts. Uncles. Cousins.
  6. My friends. I have had the BEST and most AMAZING friends in my 63 years. I cannot thank God enough for everything they’ve done for me. Everything I’ve learned from them. All of the drama, happiness, pain, fears, silliness and laughter we’ve shared. High school friends. College friends. SO. MANY. MARVELOUS. FRIENDS.
  7. My health. In general? It ain’t bad. Could I drink more water? Of course. Could I eat more fruits and veggies? Always. Considering some of the health crises I’ve experienced—I am full of gratitude today. (If only ONLY ONLY I could sleep better. Sigh.)
  8. The United States of America. Land that I LOVE.
  9. Our pets: Buddy Boo Bear, Henry (I treasure him even if he’s technically TLC’s and often cRaZy.) and Hunter the Cat.
  10. Our country casa!
  11. The food we are lucky enough to eat. Our clothes. Vehicles.
  12. The sun, moon, stars (The Stars At Night—Are Big and BRIGHT—Deep in the Heart of Texas!), and magnificent, exquisite skies.
  13. Rain. (When we get lovely, nurturing, restoring rain. (Frankly, we can all do without rain that comes as a result of hurricanes, tornadoes and/or flooding. Ain’t nobody got time for that kind o’ rain, Dear God. Sheesh.)
  14. Our cute Mama cows and their babies: Dixie and Olaf; Elsie and Belle; Twinkle and Swen. They are just the SWEETEST.
  15. Weight Watchers. And, specifically, My WW’s Leader. I’m now down over forty (YEP—FOUR. ZERO. 40.) pounds. I intend to keep this weight loss permanent. The program works GREAT for me. It’s not been fast. In fact, it’s been slow as a turtle/snail. It’s worked. (Thank you, Sunny’s Sister and Oprah!)
  16. Writers who write amazing books. Composers who write AMAZING music.
  17. Television. Movies. Plays. Gifted people who give us the chance to be entertained. The opportunity to think. Laugh. Cry. Learn.
  18. Did I mention My Lord God and Jesus Christ?
  19. And did I mention my amazing husband and family?
  20. Kleenexes that have lotion and VICKS already in them. We’ve all had yucky, useless, frustrating colds/allergies/upper respiratory infections. I’ve had a low-grade fever for going on three days now and an extremely RED nose. Whoever thought of putting lotion and Vicks in tissues? GENIUS. That’s exactly what you are. Brilliant. God bless you. Seriously.
  21. Diet Mountain Dews and Coke Zeroes. (You didn’t think I was going to forget them did you, TLC? Not a chance. And don’t even try to shame me into stopping this unhealthy addiction. Not happening. Sorry. I feel I could have much worse addictions than these two things.)
  22. Each and everyone of Y’all! Those of you who have been with us for seven years! Or seven months! Or seven weeks! Or seven days! Thank you. From the bottom of TLC’s and My GRATEFUL HEART.
Happy, HAPPY Thanksgiving Eve, Dearest Friends!

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