Hi, Friends! Happy Sunday!
Tonight you're getting a BOGO FREE post from moi. I'm sharing my TWO favourite "Motivational Mamas" on Instagram (aka: IG):
Rachel Hollis: @msrachelhollis
Jen Hatmaker: @jenhatmaker
(P.S. These are called "handles," ELC. At least, I think.)
I've read books by both of these women. Well, technically I haven't finished Rachel's book, "Girl, Wash Your Face." I've read quite a bit of it but have stopped because my weekly Bible Study Group will be reading it this fall. (I'm so excited. This is an amazing choice for us.) The Jen Hatmaker book I've finished is "For the Love," but I'm anxious to read her others, specifically, "Of Mess and Moxie." (Is that not the cutest title? I just adore that word, MOXIE!) I actually have listened to several episodes of Jen's podcast (also titled: "For the Love") and have liked them tremendously! I need to make time to listen to more.
Both of these women INSPIRE me. They make me laugh, cry, think. They help me feel less alone, motivate me to do better and be better, and encourage me. Like a best friend (ELC) would. I get these women and they get me. They understand my struggles as a mom, a wife, a woman. Jesus lives in their hearts. They are LIGHTS in this world. And, they both, coincidentally, live in my all-time favourite town: Austin, Texas. They treasure Texas, y'all. I cherish them.
Please follow them if you're on IG. You don't have to have kids, be a wife, or even a woman to enjoy their humor, knowledge and passion for wanting to help make us be the best versions of ourselves. And, in return, make our earth/world better.
I pray your new week is full of magic and grace, Dear Readers!
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